Deepavali, Festival of Lights

Saturday, November 6, 2010
Friends wish you all



Deepavali popularly known as the Festival of Lights is an important festival celebrated in India. It is celebrated over 5 days and if one wants to understand the traditions followed in India, then this should not miss the festivity.

It is usually celebrated some time between mid-October and mid-November.
Each day in the 5 days celebrated for varied reasons like slaying of demon by the lord, worship of Goddess of wealth. But it mainly signifies victory of good over evil.

As a preparation to the festival the shops sell lot of items like crackers, variety of sweets, colorful people lanterns, lamps of various shapes.

Rangoli are drawn in front of each of the homes. It is decorations made from colored powder and flowers.

People celebrate the festival by offering prayers to Lord, distributing sweets, decorating their homes with Rangoli, bursting crackers.


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