Mangaladevi Temple, Mangalore

Monday, March 29, 2010
The place name Mangalapur (Mangalore) is originated from the name of the Goddess Mangaladevi the deity of the temple. It is located at 3 kms southwest of the Mangalore city. (Click on all the images for bigger picture)

The temple has its roots into the ninth century when King Kundavarma of Ahepa dynasty ruled the place. He granted land to two saints from Nepal who had come there for their religious activities under his protection and patronage. They told him the place was dedicated to Mangaladevi.

The King got a grand shrine of Sri Mangaladevi, built on the hallowed place. The two sages themselves guided and supervised the execution of the work. The ardent devotees believe that the worship of Mangaldevi brings them prosperity and happiness.

The photography inside the temple is strictly prohibited.


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