Bijapur, City of Victory

Monday, July 19, 2010
Bijapur (State: Karnatka) is located at a distance of 530 km northwest of Bangalore. This city was established in the 10th - 11th centuries by the Chalukya Dynasty. It was then referred as Vijayapura (City of victory). (Click on the images for bigger view)

From the 13th century onwards this city was ruled by Mughal, Bahamani rulers. The city landscape is covered with great monuments of historical importance built during the Adil Shahi dynasty. It had a citadel of 6km stretch around the city. Within the citadel are the remains of both Hindu temples and old mosques. Outside the walls are the remains of a vast city, now for the most part in ruins.

The places of interest both old and new here are:


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