Maharani Sakhya Raje Scindia Chattri, Shivpuri

Thursday, March 25, 2010
In Shivpuri there is a historic site of Scindia's cenotaphs. In the formal Mughal garden facing each other across a water tank are the cenotaphs (Chattris) of the Maharaja Madhav Rao Scindia and the Maharani Sakhya Raje Scindia. The cenotaphs are blended with architectural idioms of Hindu and Islamic styles with their shikhara-type spires and Rajput and Mughal pavilions. (Click on all the images for bigger picture)

The queen's cenotaph has a noble dignity of line and superb structural harmony.

The memorial contain life-size image of the Queen. It is rendered extreme devotion by ceremonially dressed retainers who perform the rituals of placing flowers and incense before the statue each day.


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