Madhav National Park

Friday, March 19, 2010
There are several National Parks in Madhya Pradesh. Prominent among them are: Kanha National Park, Bandhavgarh National Park, Madhav National Park. Since it is required minimum 1 day time to enjoy the wildlife, landscape we had not planned our time for the park in this trip. (Click on all the images for bigger picture)

Madhav National Park established in 1958 is 156 sq. km in area. This park is open
through out the year. The forest here is dry forest across the hilly region and flat grasslands around the lakes. The animals most seen in the park are Deer, nilgai, Sambar, Antelope, Blackbuck, Leopard, Langur. Apart from these there are other animals like Tiger, Heyna are also present here.

We got a glimpse of wildlife while boating in the lake on the edge of National Park. The above shot is taken while boat is moving.

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