Vishwanatha Temple, Khajuraho

Thursday, September 9, 2010
After visiting the other group of temples in the morning session, we visited the Western Group of Khajuraho Temples (State: Madhya Pradesh) after lunch. Most of the temples of this group are enclosed by a compound wall known as Western Group Khajurho temple complex. (Click on the image for bigger view)

One such temple is Vishwanatha Temple built in 1000 A.D located towards the northeastern corner of the complex. This magnificent temple is built by the rulers of Chandel Dynasty, is one of the largest temple in Khajuraho.

The external wall of temple has more than 3000 exquisite sculptures. The band of sculptures on the walls represent musicians, dancers and deities. Inside the garbha graha there is marble Shiv linga.

There are images of deities set into the outside walls. On one of the walls there is a four-armed dancing Lord Ganesh, holding an axe and broken tusk in his proper right hands, and with his proper left hands holding a laddu (sweet) and extended in a boon-granting gesture.

The above image is rear view of the temple.


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