Lakshmana Temple, Khajuraho

Thursday, September 30, 2010
The Lakshmana Temple is one of the oldest temple in Khajuraho (State: Madhya Pradesh). Belonging to Western Group of Temples it is the largest and beautifully carved temple at Khajuraho. It is built by King Yaovarman of Chandela dynasty between 930 and 950 A.D. (Click on the image for bigger view)

The main shrine of the temple has four subsidiary shrines at the corners of the temple platform.
The temple has columned halls with balconies, an entrance porch, and the inner sanctum.

In the inner sanctum is the sacred image of Vaikuntha-Vishnu brought from Tibet.

Decorating the sides of the temple are numerous statues. It is exquisitely decorated, almost completely with images of over 600 gods in the Hindu Pantheon. Most of the sculptures have economy of drapery but are effusively patterned with ornaments and flower motifs.

The various carvings and sculptures at this temple.

On the base of the platform are beautifully carved carvings. One such band of carving is King sitting on the throne in the Royal Hall with his ministers. In front of the King dance and music is played.

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