Are we over-reacting, or what! I really don't understand the mentality. One nutcase tries to set his shoe on fire and now we all have to shuffle barefoot through airport security. I'm half expecting to be forced to fly "commando" after the underwear bomber incident. What next? Some nerd uses his laptop battery to convert his Dasani to hydrogen and oxygen (ala the Hindenberg) and we all have to give up water on the plane! Where does it end? Who among us will draw a line in the sand and say, 'I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!' It has reached the point that being protected from terrorism is more terrifying than terrorism! What happened to the United States of America, whose president defiantly quipped, 'We have nothing to fear but fear itself.' Did that United States of America crumble into same dismal pile of rubble as the twin towers? If so, then the terrorists have chalked up a victory and we are a defeated nation that simply has not acknowledged it.If I've offended anyone with this expression of my views on current travel issues, I do not apologize. I am entitled to my opinion. If you find yourself in disagreement, write your own article. Yes, we still have the right of free speech, although anti-terrorist legislation allows it to be "bugged" sans warrant.Until these aforementioned problems are resolved, I am determined to become the quintessential "staycationer". A leisure pursuit designed just for people like me. No stressful preparation, planning or packing. Just come home from work one evening, settle into the recliner with a six-pack and turn on ESPN. A week or two later, shower, shave and head back to the office. Perfection!