Save our Tigers

Sunday, February 14, 2010
Tiger is India's national animal. But sadly it is becoming endangered because, it is poached for its body parts to cater to an illegal market. Another reason is habitat loss due to depletion of forest cover due to interference of humans and encroachment of forest land by people causing fragmentation. Famous Bengal tiger is already declared as endangered species.

By conserving and saving tigers the entire wilderness of ecosystem is conserved. Conserving wilderness is important and crucial to maintain the life support system. Today approximately 1400 tigers are surviving in India. There are several Tiger Reserves in India but man's greed even crosses those boundaries. Please join Save our Tiger initiative.
(Click on all the images for bigger picture)

Above snap of tiger is taken at Bannerghatta National Park. This park is at a distance of around 21 kms from Bangalore city.


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