
Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Los extraordinarios barcos de Silversea exploran los destinos más fascinantes de Europa y miman a sus clientes con una vida a bordo muy especial: todas las suites tienen vistas al mar —la mayoría incluso con una terraza privada de madera de teca—, los mejores vinos y licores por cortesía, cocina gourmet y unas tarifas que incluyen todas las propinas a bordo. Nunca hay más de 540 pasajeros a bordo; el ambiente es íntimo y tiene la genuina calidez de nuestra tradición italiana. 

Disfrutarán de una travesía excepcional y descubrirán el verdadero significado de viajar con estilo

¿Qué le ofrece Silversea? 
  • Seis barcos de lujo, íntimos y acogedores, con capacidad para entre 132 y 540 pasajeros 
  • 7 continentes 
  • Concepto todo incluido 
  • Ratio extraordinaria de 1 tripulante por cada 1,3 
Las suites Silversea ofrecen una de las mayores relaciones espacio/pasajero de los alojamientos en cruceros de lujo. Independientemente del barco o de la categoría de la suite, todos los pasajeros recibirán los servicios personalizados de un atento mayordomo. 

Servicios de la suite: un conjunto de servicios atentos disponibles en cada suite
  • Servicio de mayordomo
  • Champán a la llegada, repuesto a solicitud.
  • Fruta fresca y flores
  • Edredones nórdicos, fina ropa de cama y lujosos colchones
  • Albornoz para el spa y zapatillas
  • Amplio vestidor y gran espejo
  • Cuarto de baño de mármol italiano con una bañera a tamaño completo, amplia ducha independiente 1 y doble tocador (2)
  • Televisor de pantalla plana con canales de película de cortesía y videoteca
  • Suite con servicio diario y servicio nocturno de preparado de cama
  • Una suite de lujo: su suite se convierte en un retiro personalizado con una selección de:
  • Geles de baño Bvlgari o Ferragamo
  • Fragancias de aromaterapia en la habitación de la reputada perfumista italiana Laura Tonatto
  • Bebidas disponibles en el bar de la suite y en el frigorífico
  • Nueve tipos de almohadas
  • Escritorio con artículos de papelería personalizados
  • Servicios adicionales para las suites Medallion, Silver, Royal, Grand y Owner's
  • Servicio de lavandería a su disposición durante todo el viaje (3)
  • Limpieza en seco y servicio de plancha a su disposición durante todo el viaje (4)
  • Chocolate especial de bienvenida
  • Canapés por la tarde a petición
  • Máquina de café Lavazza o Nespresso (4)
  • Cena a la mesa de los oficiales
  • Cena para dos en Le Champagne, una noche por viaje (4)
  • Dos horas de conexión a Internet por suite y segmento de viaje (4)
  • Dos horas de uso del teléfono internacional desde su suite, por segmento de viaje (4)
  • Selección diaria de noticias sin coste (en función de la recepción por satélite) (4)

(1) Sólo Silver Spirit, Silver Whisper y Silver Shadow 
(2) Suites Silver, Royal, Grand y Owner Suites a bordo del Silver Spirit; todas las suites Silver Whisper y Silver Shadow 
(3) Sólo suites Silver, Royal, Grand y Owner 
(4) Sólo suites Royal, Grand y Owner

Información y reservas: 
Oceania Travel Consulting 
C/ Strachan, 1 

Monday, October 15, 2012


Información y reservas: 
Oceania Travel Consulting 
C/ Strachan, 1 

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Información y reservas: 
Oceania Travel Consulting 
C/ Strachan, 1 


Información y reservas:
Oceania Travel Consulting 
C/ Strachan, 1 

Monday, October 8, 2012

India Viajes

Lo Más visitado viaje de la India

Norte de la India con Nepal

El triangulo de dorado viaje India

Duración: 21 Días - 20 Noches
Visitando:Nueva Delhi, Mandawa, Jaipur, Pushkar, Jodhpur, Jaisalmer, Rohetgarh, Ranakpur, Udaipur, Ranthambore......
Duración: 21 noches / 22 días
Visitando : Nueva Delhi, Mandawa, Jaipur, Pushkar, Jodhpur, Jaisalmer, Rohetgarh, Ranakpur, Udaipur, Ranthambore, Agra, Khajuraho, Varanasi, Kathmandu - Nueva Delhi
Duración: 6 Días - 5 Noches
Visitando: Nueva Delhi, Agra, Jaipur

India En Profundidad

Recorrido De La Rajasthan

Vacacion en La India

Duración: 39 noches / 40 días
Visitando:Nueva Delhi, Mandawa, Jaipur, Pushkar, Jodhpur, Jaisalmer, Rohetgarh, Ranakpur, Udaipur, Ranthambore, Agra, Khajuraho, Varanasi, Kolkata...........
Duración: 19 Días - 18 Noches
Visitando: Nueva Delhi, Agra, Ranthambhore, Jaipur, Samode, Pushkar, Jodhpur, Ranakpur, Udaipur, Mumbai, Goa, Mumbai
Duración: 12 Días - 11 Noches
Visitando: Nueva Delhi, Varanasi, Khajuraho, Agra, Bharatpur, Ranthambhore, Jaipur, New Delhi

» 6 Días Triangulo de dorado viaje
   Duración: 5 Días - 6 Noches
» Triangulo de dorado junto con Khajuraho
   Duración: 10 Días - 11 Noches
» Triangulo de dorado junto con Rajasthan
   Duración: 17 Días - 18 Noches
» Viaje de la norte de India y Nepal místico
   Duración: 17 Días - 18 Noches

» Viaje de Taj y de los templos en Katmandú
   Duración: 09 Días - 08 Noches
» Viaje de Nepal y Golden Triangle
   Duración: 10 Días - 09 Noches
» Viaje de India el norte y Nepal
   Duración: 14 Días - 13 Noches
» 16 días de viaje a Nepal
   Duración: 16 Días - 15 Noches

» Visita De Taj Mahal
   Duración: 06 Días - 05 Noches
» India Express
   Duración: 07 Días - 06 Noches
» Trianglo De Oro Con Bharatpur
   Duración: 08 Días - 07 Noches
» Triángulo Dorado y Ayurveda
   Duración: 15 Días - 14 Noches

» Sur de la india y relajar en Goa
   Duración: 17 Días - 16 Noches
» Kerala la Visita Cultural
   Duración: 10 Días - 09 Noches
» La Visita de Casa flotante de Kerala
   Duración: 08 Días - 07 Noches
» La Visita de Kerala
   Duración: 08 Días - 07 Noches

India Viajes Descubre mucho más con cada momento inolvidable

Nuestro pais la India, sin duda, es un país increíble, especialmente para viajar. La cultura rica y viva, Con las más vibrantes y diversas culturas, tradiciones de los pueblos, las ciudades antiguas, la vida rural, La Rica historia y tradición, es increible que cualquier otro lugar. Con la mezcla más grande y diversa de razas, pueblos, lenguas, la India está siempre dispuesto a dar experiencias únicas a sus viajeros. Con exquisito arte y la cultura, la danza, la música y las costumbres tradicionales la India da la bienvenida a aquellos que desean descubrir la belleza en su forma más pura. De hecho, si tenemos en cuenta la verdadera cultura de la India, encontramos que es la joya del mundo, es un país que reina en el mapa del mundo sobre todo cuando se trata de religion, el arte y la artesanía, todo lo que hace la India más rico y próspero.

Nuestra Especialidad:- Nosotros Somos una organización con personal profesional con mucha experiencia que se dedican y tienen profundo interés y conocimiento de la India y sus otros destinos. La empresa es sinónimo como el nombre más confiable en el sector de Turismo de la India y la hospitalidad. Nosotros estamos aqui para personalizar un viaje para cumplir con sus necesidades y presupuesto. Ofrecemos los paquetes de viajes con una amplia cobertura de Hoteles y Resorts a través de las diferentes categorías economicos y de lujo en la India y sus destinos con una flota de vehículos y conductores educados, amables y atención multilingüe. Nuestra filosofía de empresa es bastante simple: tratamos a nuestros clientes como nos gusta ser tratados. Nuestros Saludos Cordiales desde India y Bienvenidos a todos!!!!

Saturday, October 6, 2012


Información y reservas: 
Oceania Travel Consulting 
C/ Strachan, 1 
Málaga 952.060.500

Friday, October 5, 2012



El barco Celebrity Solstice® ofrece una serie de atributos con estilo cosmopolita, por los que ha recibido innumerables elogios.

Encontrarás el Lawn Club de 0,2 hectáreas con césped natural, el fascinante taller Hot Glass ShowSM creado en colaboración con el Museo Corning del Vidrio, elegantes comedores que ofrecen cocina de vanguardia y extraordinarios programas que incluyen producciones teatrales muy entretenidas. Disfrútalos y encuéntralos en cualquier lugar en alta mar.

Este impresionante barco también cuenta con espaciosos camarotes, baños y opciones de alojamiento, con los rejuvenecedores camarotes inspirados en el spa: AquaClass™ de Celebrity Cruises.

¿Estás listo para viajar en el Celebrity Solstice? Entonces prepárate para vivir una experiencia única.

Características de los barcos Celebrity:

AquaClassCelebrity. Solstice les ofrece los nuevos camarotes AquaClassSM. Al compartir cubierta con la sala de relajación AquaSpa®, incorpora elementos de spa especiales en los camarotes, además de ofrecer acceso exclusivo a los servicios de spa y asientos asignados en el saludablemente y delicioso restaurante Blu.

Lawn Club. Disfruta de actividades exteriores informales en un ambiente de club de campo y deja que el césped bajo tus pies te transporte a lugares nunca antes vistos en un crucero.

Cellar Masters. Inspirado en las viñas del Valle de Napa, el Cellar Masters da vida a la experiencia de un tour mundial de vinos mientras aprendes y degustas una gran variedad de vinos de todo el mundo. 

Restaurante Principal Grand Epernay. El magnífico y lujoso restaurante principal del Celebrity Solstice. Con una torre de cristal, vinos y candelabros, y un aura que te transportará a Hollywood. Su deliciosa gastronomía ofrece cocina continental e internacional.

Salón Sky Observation. Nuestro grandioso salón de observación. Los ventanales panorámicos te cautivarán y el amplio espacio te complacerá mientras te relajas en sus cómodos asientos. El salón es versátil y se puede transformar para adaptarse a cualquier ocasión.

Murano Restaurant

Tuscan Grille Restaurant

Silk Harvest Restaurant. Disfruta de la gastronomía de Vietnam, Tailandia, Japón, China e India al estilo familiar con platos giratorios incorporados y pequeños platos, perfectos para compartir.

Blu Restaurant. Este restaurante de especialidades es el lugar para cenar exclusivo de todos los huéspedes AquaClassSM, con comida saludable en un ambiente cálido y sofisticado.

Aquaspa®. Relájate en nuestro impresionante AquaSpa y déjanos transportarte a un mundo completamente nuevo con tratamientos inspirados en rituales de culturas exóticas. Descubre un estado de absoluta tranquilidad mientras disfrutas de un lujoso spa a bordo.

  • Capacidad: 2.850 pasajeros
  • Tonelaje: 122.000Eslora: 315 metros
  • Manga: 37 metros
  • Calado: 8 metros
  • Velocidad de crucero: 24 nudos
  • Fecha de inauguración: 23 de Noviembre de 2008

Información y reservas: 
Oceania Travel Consulting 
C/ Strachan, 1 

Monday, September 24, 2012


Información y reservas: 
Oceania Travel Consulting 
C/ Strachan, 1 


Información y reservas: 
Oceania Travel Consulting 
C/ Strachan, 1 

Friday, September 21, 2012


Información y reservas: 
Oceania Travel Consulting 
C/ Strachan, 1 


Información y reservas: 
Oceania Travel Consulting 
C/ Strachan, 1 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Información y reservas: 
Oceania Travel Consulting 
C/ Strachan, 1 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Online Travel Magazine – Incredible Source for Travelers

A superior travel magazine will motivate you to travel across the world, with guidelines on domestic as well as foreign destinations, with some suggestion that where you will find the delicious food, best cultural events and enjoyable outdoor activities on various offer. You will find various magazines for travel purpose. These magazines include tourists attraction of various destinations, air-fare, sight scenes, accommodation facilities, shopping options etc. An incredible resource for adventurous and dynamic travelers, filled with attractive images of extraordinary places. If you're petite of ideas on where to take next trip, travel magazine will motivate you to travel at different destinations, with instructions on various destinations. Travel magazine providing details about those places where you never visit. You will find travel tips that could save your valuable money wherever you go. Not only students are interested in these types of magazines, it appeals to the travelers of all age group and gives you right information about that place where you want to visit. Once you read few articles you will be tempted to pack your bags and want to spend holidays in that particular destination that is given in the magazine.

If travel magazine have certain advantages, it has some disadvantages also such as if we love to read only one section of the magazine then also we need to purchase magazine every month. It means the wastage of money as well as time. Now, with the aid of Internet, you don't need to purchase magazine every month. These online magazines are available all the time. There are many websites that offer free online travel magazine. You can access them any time and read all the necessary information about the travel destinations. They cover all the information like sight scene, tourists attraction, shopping, currency, modes of transports, accommodation, etc. Octanmen is the popular online magazine that gives you right information about the destination where you want visit and consist of all the necessary details. They provide these magazines free of cost, so, you can access them anytime.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Friday, August 3, 2012

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Plan Ahead and Travel at Leisure

We travel all our lives, sometime for leisure, at other times for educational or business purposes. We have come across the fret, many a times, before the actual travelling begins and plans for a smooth travel are set into motion. Such fret is a customary unease we all seem to experience as apprehension of booking tickets and hotels rooms, in advance, start cropping up in our vexatious brains. The preparations ahead of the travel are the most important part, for if not handled properly it shall yield hurdles during our trip. Sometimes our inability to fully appreciate the importance of such preparations spoils our travel plans. The World Wide Web offers numerous web portals that cater to one’s travel needs. You can visit any of them from the comfort of your abodes to avail their very special offers. The sites offer wholesome and cheap travel packages as well as individual travelling requirements such as online bus booking, internet flight or railways booking and advance booking of hotel rooms. The package offers are very sensible in their approach and they cover different amenities in different instances. So one can have only round trip packages featuring only the flight/train/bus round way tickets or one way trip packages featuring charges levied for only travelling up to the travel destinations or stay and travel packages that provide travel tickets as well as hotel tickets or you could still get packages with various combinations of the elements that are required during your travel and stay; the elements being travel tickets (one way or round trip), hotel rooms accommodation (PH/suite/one or more than one rooms), cab assistance and special amenities providing assistance. Such flexible packages can accommodate even the most varied and unique travel demands.

The basic underlining notion beneath all this is that it is advisable to always plan ahead of one’s tour or travel. Such contrivance will profit you predominantly and arm you for any deviation or unexpected surprises during your travelling days. What gives such advice a grand ability to easily follow is the convenience at which all these booking can be undertaken and easily done. So next time you plan on travelling near or far, nationally or internationally, avail the services of such web portals. Plan ahead your entire travel route and book all the necessary travel or hotel tickets in advance from the convenience of your homes. After all, taking decisive steps ahead of a travel are better than repenting on your journey when unexpected circumstance crop up.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Travel & Leisure - Oxymoron

For me, travel and leisure, like sweet and sour, is an oxymoron. I don't find travel relaxing. On the contrary, I find it stressful, frustrating, and too much like work. My worst nightmare is the thought of packing a suitcase. It's on par with The Exorcist and the Night of the Living Dead, in terms of sheer terror. I feel as if I have been assigned the task of pounding round pegs into square holes or playing tennis with an unstrung racquet. It just can't be done (by me anyway)!Then, there is the planning and worse yet, re-planning, because this date isn't available, that hotel is booked up, and this flight is full! It's enough to challenge your patience, if not your sanity.When all these obstacles have been conquered, you must then attend the post 911security theatre playing now at an airport near you!Honestly, if some entrepreneurial genius would just launch a new airline (they could call it "Air Naked") for nudists or anyone, for that matter, willing to fly sans apparel, the security lines would move faster than Roadrunner dodging Wile E. Coyote's falling anvil because even nuns would shed their habit to get past TSA (Totalitarian State of Airport) with some alacrity.

Are we over-reacting, or what! I really don't understand the mentality. One nutcase tries to set his shoe on fire and now we all have to shuffle barefoot through airport security. I'm half expecting to be forced to fly "commando" after the underwear bomber incident. What next? Some nerd uses his laptop battery to convert his Dasani to hydrogen and oxygen (ala the Hindenberg) and we all have to give up water on the plane! Where does it end? Who among us will draw a line in the sand and say, 'I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!' It has reached the point that being protected from terrorism is more terrifying than terrorism! What happened to the United States of America, whose president defiantly quipped, 'We have nothing to fear but fear itself.' Did that United States of America crumble into same dismal pile of rubble as the twin towers? If so, then the terrorists have chalked up a victory and we are a defeated nation that simply has not acknowledged it.If I've offended anyone with this expression of my views on current travel issues, I do not apologize. I am entitled to my opinion. If you find yourself in disagreement, write your own article. Yes, we still have the right of free speech, although anti-terrorist legislation allows it to be "bugged" sans warrant.Until these aforementioned problems are resolved, I am determined to become the quintessential "staycationer". A leisure pursuit designed just for people like me. No stressful preparation, planning or packing. Just come home from work one evening, settle into the recliner with a six-pack and turn on ESPN. A week or two later, shower, shave and head back to the office. Perfection!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Travel Literature From China

Time for a change. Time to be more all encompassing, more directed in my witterings, ramblings, musings, rants and raves about all things that belong to that thing we call culture, that thing that grows and multiplies, that thing that we cultivate through expression, through life. I work in the arts, on festivals, run gigs, produce events, run a free online arts resource, this ezine, listen to the radio, watch tv, sport, read alot, drink too much, have a constant hankering for sausages and ice cream, give out, complain and don't see enough of what I claim to love. However, if I didn't live in a petri dish I would be nothing. Ever since I was about 15 I've wanted to jump in and have a go, first as a cartoonist, then as a carnival puppet maker, designer and performer, later as a stage designer, theatre writer and producer, then as festival director and finally as one half of an events company.

Along the way I have been introduced to so much. I have been influenced and shaped by everything I have had the pleasure and misfortune to be involved in. Like a ship at sea I have changed direction according to the winds in the constant hope that I'd reach the end of the world, the final frontier, the point, the light, salvation. But on those travels I have come to discover that there is no edge, no singularity, no point of arrival, only departure.So, to this end I am once again changing tack and am going to have a poke around my petri dish and like all bacteria I shall virally multiply, form, divide and someday may be of use to someone, somewhere over a rainbow.Start here.What I've just read:A great travel book by Chinese author Ma Jian.I read it years ago and had forgotten all about it until I was looking for something to read. After spending too much time poking around my bookshelves looking vainly for an unread book I stopped, gave up and went for second best; a novel I hadn't read more than twice.In 1983, Ma Jian turned 30 and was overwhelmed by the desire to escape the confines of his life in Beijing. All around him, China was changing. Deng Xiaoping was introducing economic reform but clamping down on "spiritual pollution"; young people were rebelling. With his long hair, denim jeans and artistic friends, Ma Jian was under surveillance from his work unit and the police.

His ex-wife was seeking custody of their daughter; his girlfriend was sleeping with another man; and he could no longer find the inspiration to write or paint.One day he bought a train ticket to the westernmost border of China and set of in search of himself. Ma Jian's journey would last three years and take him to deserts and overpopulated cities, from scenes of barbarity to havens of tranquility and beauty. The result is an insight into the teeming contradictions of China that only a man who was both an insider and an outsider in his own country could have written.Well worth a read and if you have any interest in the rising dragon that is China this is for you - a good counter point to everything we read in the press todayMore notes from a petri dish to follow...