
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Lakshmana Temple, Khajuraho

The Lakshmana Temple is one of the oldest temple in Khajuraho (State: Madhya Pradesh). Belonging to Western Group of Temples it is the largest and beautifully carved temple at Khajuraho. It is built by King Yaovarman of Chandela dynasty between 930 and 950 A.D. (Click on the image for bigger view)

The main shrine of the temple has four subsidiary shrines at the corners of the temple platform.
The temple has columned halls with balconies, an entrance porch, and the inner sanctum.

In the inner sanctum is the sacred image of Vaikuntha-Vishnu brought from Tibet.

Decorating the sides of the temple are numerous statues. It is exquisitely decorated, almost completely with images of over 600 gods in the Hindu Pantheon. Most of the sculptures have economy of drapery but are effusively patterned with ornaments and flower motifs.

The various carvings and sculptures at this temple.

On the base of the platform are beautifully carved carvings. One such band of carving is King sitting on the throne in the Royal Hall with his ministers. In front of the King dance and music is played.

For more visit Mosaic Monday

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Mandwa Paintings

Shekhawati region in western India, is famous for its mural paintings. It is like a huge open air gallery of painted walls, havelis and palaces in the vast expanse of the desert of Rajasthan in India. Mandwa is one such place, where every nooks and corner of the town, street, home has been painted with frescoes. We had been to one such ancient home where the interiors are beautifully painted. (Click on the images for bigger picture)

Here the theme is based on royal army of Rajasthan Kings. The paintings show royal assembly.

Even the ceiling is painted with floral designs.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Lalbagh Flower Show August 2010, Bangalore

Every year in the month of January and August, the Lalbagh Gardens at Bangalore hosts Flower Show. If in Bangalore around this time one should not miss the event. (Click on the image for bigger picture)

In the month of August, it is usually organized for 10 days from August 6th to 15th. The theme for this year is to show respect to all the martyrs and freedom fighters of our country.

This year the main attraction is the monument India Gate, beautifully made from more than 250,000 roses, a fitting tribute to the Indian soldiers.

On display were around 260 varieties of Anthuriam, Orchids, Celosia and Dianthus among others.

Every day thousands people enjoy the beauty of these flowers on display. It is mostly crowded in the evening on the weekdays. Best time to be in this place is the early afternoon. I had been here
on the weekend afternoon. Even though it was crowded I had enough space to take some snaps.

Very minimal entrance fee is charged for the show. No charges for camera.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Kandariya Mahadeva Temple, Khajuraho

The Kandariya Mahadeva Temple in Khajuraho (State: Madhya Pradesh) is the finest example of architecture of the medieval period in India. Belonging to Western Group of Temples it is the largest and most ornate Hindu temple at Khajuraho. It is built by King Vidyadhara of Chandela dynasty in 1050 A.D. (Click on the image for bigger view)

The main spire rises to a height of 31 m and is surrounded by 84 miniature spires. Other features of the temple are columned halls with balconies, an entrance porch, and the inner sanctum. Inside the sanctum is a marble linga representing Shiva.

Decorating the sides of the temple are numerous statues and the inner sanctum also has large number of ornate statues. Many of the side panels depict Shiva in the presence of apsaras, consorts, and other divinities. Most of the sculptures have economy of drapery but are effusively patterned with ornaments and flower motifs.

Its ornate gateway is very attractive with carvings on it.

Above is the front view of the temple when Sun rays fall on it. The people around it give us the sheer size of the temple.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Aircraft at Minsk Square, Bangalore

The aircraft, Ajeet, is a single-seater interceptor with a secondary ground-attack role. It was used by Air Force from 1975 to 1991. Ajeet was later shifted to Minsk Square, where it was stationed for nearly 20 years. (Click on the image for bigger image)

But owing to the construction of Metro train route this has been shifted out of this place to HAL Heritage Museum. The image above no longer is the common sight at this place.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Javeri Temple, Khajuraho

The Javeri Temple built between 950 - 1150 A.D belongs to the Eastern Group of Khajuraho Temples (State: Madhya Pradesh). This is one of the three Hindu Temples built by rulers of Chandel Dynasty in this group. (Click on the image for bigger view)

This temple is a architectural gem. It is dedicated to Lord Vishnu. Its ornate gateway, the makara torana, and slender shikhara are especially noteworthy.

Like every other temple in Khajuraho, even this temple is also famous for the band of sculptures around the temple.

This is rear view of the temple.


Monday, September 13, 2010

Ibrahim Roza, Bijapur

This is located on the western outskirts of the Bijapur (State: Karnataka) city. Built sometime in 16th century, it is one of the most brilliant designs of Islamic architecture. (Click on the images for bigger picture)

Here there are two buildings on a common platform, surrounded by beautiful gardens on three sides.
These buildings have perfect domes at the top with crescent moons, with symmetrical minarets at the four corners as can be seen from the images above. The huge doorways leads one into cool high-ceiling chambers. Between the two buildings is the place for water pool with fountains.

The building on the left is the tomb of ruler of Bijapur, Ibrahim Adil Shah II and his family. One can see inside this the tombs of he king, his queen, his daughter, two sons and his mother. It has minarets that rise to a height of 24 meters and are considered the inspiration for the minarets of the Taj Mahal.

The other building on the platform is the mosque.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Vishwanatha Temple, Khajuraho

After visiting the other group of temples in the morning session, we visited the Western Group of Khajuraho Temples (State: Madhya Pradesh) after lunch. Most of the temples of this group are enclosed by a compound wall known as Western Group Khajurho temple complex. (Click on the image for bigger view)

One such temple is Vishwanatha Temple built in 1000 A.D located towards the northeastern corner of the complex. This magnificent temple is built by the rulers of Chandel Dynasty, is one of the largest temple in Khajuraho.

The external wall of temple has more than 3000 exquisite sculptures. The band of sculptures on the walls represent musicians, dancers and deities. Inside the garbha graha there is marble Shiv linga.

There are images of deities set into the outside walls. On one of the walls there is a four-armed dancing Lord Ganesh, holding an axe and broken tusk in his proper right hands, and with his proper left hands holding a laddu (sweet) and extended in a boon-granting gesture.

The above image is rear view of the temple.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Hampi World Heritage Site

Hampi, the Forgotten Empire (for more) once was the flourishing capital city of the Vijaynagar Empire in the 14th Century. The city spread across the rocky terrain of 26 had plenty of palaces, temples which exhibited its rich culture and wealth in its hay days.

For the same reason it was ransacked by Muslim Sultans. Today it is a site of splendid ruins of palaces, temples and gateways of the broken city, that silently narrate the story of once glorious past and the final senseless destruction. (Click on the image for bigger view)

In the above image rocky nature of the place and various temples can be seen.

Above is the carvings on the pillars of one of the many temples in the place.

On 5th December 1986, Hampi was inscribed on the World Heritage List for it represents a unique artistic creation. One can spend 2 to 3 days to cover each corners of this place.

For more visit My World Tuesday

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Vamana Temple, Khajuraho

The Vamana Temple built between 950 - 1150 A.D belongs to the Eastern Group of Khajuraho Temples (State: Madhya Pradesh). This is one of the three Hindu Temples built by rulers of Chandel Dynasty in this group. (Click on the image for bigger view)

It measures 19.1 meters in length and 13.9 meters in breath. This is a medium size temple. It consists of a mandap and garbha graha.

Around the temple are two band of sculptures with almost 3000 sculptures. This is less than half when compared to larger temples in Western Group of temples. The sculptures layout is a blend of gods, their consorts, female figures and mythical creatures.

In the garbha graha there is a dwarf image of Vamana, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu.